Belly Bloat - How to Get Rid of Bloating Fast

What causes bloating?

Vitamin Liquid

Mostly overeating, eating foods which do not agree with you thus producing excess gas, and constipation. Other causes include menstruation, food allergy/food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Vitamin Liquid

Suffering from belly bloat is a common but annoying disorder. You feel uncomfortable, lethargic, unmotivated, embarrassed because of your bulging belly and the rumble it makes, and are sometimes in pain.

Let us look at how to stop bloating and the basic lifestyle changes you can implement which are especially effective if you feel bloated after eating.

Stop overeating

Eat smaller, more frequent meals for better health and a bloat-free waistline.

Change your eating habits

Eating quickly increases pressure on your stomach and produces more gas. Sit down, chew your food well, and eat your meals in a leisurely manner, giving the food plenty of time to digest.

Drinking tea or coffee on the run is equally bad with excess air accompanying each sip and gulp. Savor your beverages by drinking them slowly.

Limit sugar substitutes

Sodas, sweets and chewing gum contain huge quantities of artificial sweeteners, especially sorbitol and xylitol which many people find difficult to digest, resulting in bloating, gas and diarrhea. Rather have real sugar than substitutes.

Cut out sodas

The bubbles in fizzy drinks cause bloating. Also refrain from drinking excessively hot or cold beverages.

Stop eating junk and processed food

Fried, oily food and high salt content cause bloating.

Abstain from carbohydrates at night

Bread and pasta cause you to retain water. Avoid eating them at night to be puff-free the next morning.

Early morning water and lemon juice

Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon; it speeds up waste elimination and removes toxins.

Eat potassium rich foods

Bananas, cantaloupe, mangoes, spinach, tomatoes, nuts, asparagus and fresh chopped parsley regulate the fluid balance in your body and stop bloating.

If you suffer from constipation, eating sufficient fruit, vegetables and high fiber, such as oatmeal, will improve your digestion and remedy your bloating problem.

Drink water

Water flushes out your system and aids digestion. Instead of alcohol, caffeine and colas, drink plain water and natural teas.

Limit excess air

Do not eat and talk at the same time, drink out of a straw, chew gum nor smoke because the surplus air accompanying these activities causes you to bloat.

Eat foods easily digested by your body

Bland foods, such as fish, chicken, soya based foods, yogurt and rice do not tax your digestive system.

Limit gas producing foods

Notice which raw vegetables cause you to bloat, then either boil them or do not eat them at all. The cellulose in cabbage, peas and beans is hard to digest and may cause you to puff up.

Other common gas producing foods are cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, lentils, prunes and garlic.


Bloating, together with water weight gain and mood swings, are associated with premenstrual tension. Ensure you get 1200 milligrams calcium and 200 to 400 milligrams magnesium daily. Both nutrients help relieve PMS symptoms, including bloating. If you wish, take Midol which contains a mild diuretic.

Natural remedies

Add turmeric, coriander, caraway and cumin when cooking.

Naturists claim teas made of ginger, savory from the mint family, lime from a linden tree, peppermint, rosemary, and caraway are effective for bloating relief.

They may be right because ginger tea helps with stomach upsets and peppermint oil in tea or warm water after a big meal aids digestion.


Walking for 15 to 20 minutes a day moves food through your digestive tract, thereby reducing bloating and combating constipation. Other benefits include less severe menstrual cramps, eliminating toxins by perspiring, and shedding body fat.

Apply pressure

Massaging your abdomen helps evacuate gas and reduces bloating. Start by pressing your fingers near your right hip, slide up towards the ribs, move across and down in a circular motion.

Supplements and home remedies

Taking a digestive enzyme with each meal provides relief, especially when bloating results from a problem with your digestive tract, such as diverticulosis. Obtain digestive enzymes with the active ingredients lipase, protease and amylase, from any health store. Restaurant owners should actually hand out digestive enzymes instead of after-dinner mints to all patrons who selected anything other than raw foods from their menus.

Probiotics are 'good bacteria' which help keep you regular and bloat-free. Your intestinal tract has loads of bacteria, some beneficial, some harmful, which play an important role in the functioning of your digestive and immune systems.

Probiotics encourage the growth and replenishment of healthy microflora. They crowd out the bad bacteria which cause disease, yeasts and parasites in your intestines, they help digest and absorb your food, eliminate wastes and toxins by restoring normal and regular bowel function, and maintain a healthy intestinal function.

Ideally 85% of your bacteria should be friendly with 15% unfriendly. Probiotic supplements can be found in capsule, powder or liquid form, or in foods such as kefir and yogurt.

If you do not consume enough fruit and vegetables, take nutritional supplements that contain dietary fibers especially during the holidays or when celebrating to better handle the foods that cause you to swell up.

Apple cider vinegar helps ease digestive symptoms and gets rid of bloating and gas pain.

Lactobacillus supplements also help maintain intestinal health.

Bismuth, the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, is an element on the periodic table. 100% natural, taken before or directly after a meal reduces swelling caused by food allergies and neutralizes the odor of your flatulence.


If you take antibiotics, which destroy your friendly bacteria, take B complex vitamins too.

Some oral contraceptive pills cause your stomach to distend, in which case ask your physician to prescribe a different one.

Once you incorporate these lifestyle changes, they should cure you or at least relieve bloating.

If your condition persists, let us look at what else it might be and what you can do about it.

Food allergy

If you bloat after eating certain foods, keep a food journal where you write down everything you eat, together with any symptoms which appear. Rotate foods until you identify which foods trigger bloating and avoid them.

Although you may not test positive for food allergies, you may have a food intolerance. Common culprits include yeast, wheat, where the gluten causes excess gas to be produced, and milk.

Lactose intolerance

This means your body does not produce the enzyme lactase and your digestive system cannot digest the lactose in dairy foods. It then ferments and forms gases which overstretch your bowel.

How do you know if you are lactose intolerant? Drink a glass of milk. If you experience gas, bloating or diarrhea, avoid dairy products or drink lactose free milk.

Yogurt's active bacteria cultures produce lactase, so if you want to eat cheese without bloating afterwards, add a bowl of yogurt to your morning ritual.

Irritable bowel syndrome

IBS, characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation and/or diarrhea, may be the cause of your bloating.

Eat more fiber and give up coffee, cigarettes and spicy foods which irritate your colon.

Some people swear by going on a detoxification diet two or three times a year to give your body a chance to cleanse itself of accumulated toxins.


Diabetics often have problems with bloating and diarrhea, especially if they take large doses of metformin or glucophage.

Diabetics with nerve damage in their stomach may find food collects but does not empty properly, resulting in excessive belching. Medication eases this problem.


Although over-the-counter products offer quick relief by suppressing the symptoms, the benefits will be short-lived because they do not eliminate the cause.

Common effective medications such as Gas-X, Beano, Phazyme and Flatulex, when taken with each meal, help break up gas pockets in the stomach, thereby relieving bloating and gas pain.

The pain is not actually caused by your swollen stomach but by abdominal contractions not synchronizing properly. When your intestinal wall pulls in different directions it feels like stomach cramps.

Most bloating medication contain enzymes like alpha-galactosidase which help digest the sugars in carbohydrates, the main culprit of your indigestion problems.

Pink Pepto-Bismol type products have a salicylate ingredient which is like aspirin. It will alleviate some of your abdominal pain but if it disagrees with you, try Gas-X or Phazyme which contain simethicone.

Activated charcoal

Consider using this over-the-counter supplement. When taken with meals, it prevents or at least reduces the amount of gas produced.

It sometimes causes irregular looking stools and constipation so do not be alarmed, and in case it affects the absorption of prescription medicine, take it an hour or two after any scheduled medication.

Tips and warning

Bloating and gas pain should dissipate quite quickly. If not, if it becomes more than a slight annoyance, or if accompanied by bloody or tarry stools, fever, night sweats or weight loss, consult your doctor.

He might suggest a colonoscopy to help him diagnose your problem. Endure it because your colon plays a major role in your life and until it is sorted out, you will feel unwell. Once he determines the medical cause, he will treat and cure you of your suffering.

Bloating is also one of the primary symptoms of ovarian cancer, a 'silent' disease difficult to detect early.

Although the remote possibility exists of it being something serious, bloating is much more likely to be a minor inconvenience which you can get rid of fast by making simple lifestyle changes.

Belly Bloat - How to Get Rid of Bloating Fast
Vitamin Liquid

Christmas Sales Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. 201

Dec 23, 2011 19:19:52

Christmas Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. Deals
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Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz.

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. <<

Christmas Sales Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. Feature

  • Contains vitamin D3, shown to support proper regulation of the body's Calcium
  • Supports immune health
  • Provides optimum mineral support
  • Ensures optimal support for bone health

Christmas Sales Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. Overview

Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex Country Life offers the unique Target-Mins delivery system for increased effectiveness of mineral supplementation. First, we use a complex of free form amino acids combined for increased absorption. Second, we use not only a 2 to 1 ratio of Calcium to Magnesium, but we also use a 2 to 1 ratio of Calcium to Phosphorus. In a clinical study at Creighton University by Dr. Haney, it was demonstrated that for every 1,000 mg of Calcium consumed as a supplement, your body requires 500 mg of added Phosphorus for proper utilization. Third, we add vitamin D3, which has been shown to support proper regulation of the bodyᄍs Calcium/Phosphorus ratio and activate osteoblast function to support healthy bone structures. This is all combined scientifically to ensure optimal support for bone health.** Directions: Take one cap (1 fl. oz.)(29.59 mL) daily or as directed by a health care professional. Other Ingredients: Purified water, natural vegetable glycerin, natural blueberry flavor blend, citric acid, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate (preservative), potassium sorbate (preservative). No: Yeast, wheat, soy, gluten, milk, artificial colors, artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners.

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Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz.

Limited Offer Today!! Country Life Liquid Target-Mins Calcium-Magnesium with Vitamin D3 Complex, Natural Wild Blueberry Flavor, 32 fl. oz. Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Pram Stroller

Natural Hair Loss Remedies

Fact: There is no sure-fire way to prevent all hair loss. However, some methods that have been used work on some people. Here are some suggestions for natural remedies to hair loss. Massage Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth in minor cases of temporary hair loss. There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. Aromatherapy A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp. Saw Palmetto Extract There is a definite connection between the prostate and hair loss for men. Saw Palmetto has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen and shows promise as an effective treatment for hair loss prevention. More information on Saw Palmetto for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Women on oral contraceptives or hormone therapy should not take Saw Palmetto. Nettle Root Extract Nettles are rich in vitamins A and C, several key minerals and lipids that can be beneficial to the hair. Nettle Root Extract has been used successfully in Europe as an inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase in treating BPH. Rosemary and Sage Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. Boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily. Jojoba Oil If you are predisposed to seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, or dandruff, you could consider using jojoba oil. Mexicans and southwestern Native American nations have used jojoba oil traditionally for centuries to promote hair growth and the control of dandruff. Jojoba oil is great for hypoallergenic skin because it is a great moisturizer and mimics the scalp's own sebum. Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has been used by Native Americans, Indians and many in the Caribbean to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Aloe's can help the scalp by healing it and balancing the pH level of the scalp while cleansing the pores. A common preparation of Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is used as a shampoo and has traditionally shown great benefit. Henna Henna is a traditional Indian herb that acts as a natural conditioner and is excellent for the maintenance of healthy hair. It can help heal the hair shaft by repairing and sealing the cuticle, protecting hair against breakage and loss of shine. Polysorbate-80 Polysorbate-80 is an FDA approved surfactant that is also approved as a food additive. Although not proven, Polysorbate-80 is said to remove deposits of DHT and cholesterol from the scalp. Polysorbate-80 is being recommended by some naturopathic practitioners as an application for the scalp approximately 15 minutes prior to shampooing. Cleansing and Detoxification Cleansing should be a major part of your regimen to maintain and grow hair. Many scalp related diseases are directly the result of toxemia, while toxins in the body adversely affecting the body's systems indirectly affect other conditions. Cleansing can be performed through oral means regularly and occasionally by enema or colonic irrigation. More remedies for detoxification Psyllium husk Fiber is vital to cleansing, and most North American diets are deficient in natural fiber. Psyllium husk is a bulking laxative agent that can be used to safely move waste through the colon. Psyllium is a very good substance as it gently scrubs the walls of the colon to remove waste that is stuck to the walls.

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Exercise Finally, although exercise does absolutely nothing directly to grow hair, most holistic practitioners recommend it. Exercising can improve blood flow, the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body, and help the digestion of foods, all things that aid the health of hair follicles. Disclaimer: The advice here is not presented from a medical practitioner. Any and all dietary and medical planning should be made under the guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. This information does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.

Vitamin Liquid


Copyright 2005 Priya Shah

Natural Hair Loss Remedies
Vitamin Liquid

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce 201

Dec 22, 2011 21:39:23

Christmas NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Deals
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NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce <<

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Feature

  • Structural Support
  • Helps Maintain Strong Bones*

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Overview

Each drop contains 100 IU of Vitamin D: 4 drops provide 400 IU, 20 drops provide 2,000 IU.  A full dropper provides approximately 50 drops, or 5,000 IU.

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This Christmas NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce is cheap and shipping as well.

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HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan

HCG Diet Overview

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During the first two days of taking HCG drops, you should be eating very high calorie foods that contain high fat and sugar contents. There is no limit to the number of calories or the types of foods that are eaten. Sweets, cookies, ice cream, deep fried foods, etc are all acceptable foods. It is important that you "load" properly, this is a very critical part of the diet. Do not begin loading if you have not started taking the HCG Drops. It is common for people to gain 3-5 pounds in the first two days. Don't worry, you will lose it all in the follow 48 hours. People that chose not to "load" properly have found that the rest of the unwanted weight does not drop as easily as those people who took the time to "load".

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So, start your diet with a party and eat as much as you can!

Sample Diet (after loading) Drink lots of water each day (at least 2 liters)

Breakfast: Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used. Stevia is a much healthier choice.


100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird. Boneless and skinless. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beetgreens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast (Wasa Bread is also acceptable). An apple, orange, or a handful of strawberries (6-9 depending on their size) or one-half grapefruit.


The same four choices as lunch (above.)No oil, butter or dressing.

Hint: Our clients have found that saving your fruit and/or melba toast for a snack between lunch and dinner has helped them to not feel as hungry as well as keep their metabolism burning more steadily throughout the day.

5 Sample Recipes

When you order a 21 or 40 day kit, the Diet Manual contains another 17 hCG Diet Recipes for main dishes, drinks, marinades and desserts in the manual when you order the 21 or 40 day kits.

Green Onion Soup

Green onions (allowed amount) 2 c vegetable broth 1-2 t liquid aminos 1 t parsley 1 t zsweet 1/2 t paprika 1/2 t salt 1/2 t dill 1/2 t thyme 1/8 t cayenne or red pepper flakes 1/8 t celery seed

Briefly steam the green onions until tender. Preheat saucepan over MED heat. Chop steamed green onions. In a saucepan, saute the green onions in a bit of vegetable broth for a couple of minutes, then add the parsley, zsweet, paprika, salt, dill, thyme, celery seed, and cayenne. Saute 1-2 mins more. Add remaining vegetable broth, reduce heat, cover and simmer 20-30 mins.

Lemon Pepper Fish

100g whitefish juice of half lemon 1-3 cloves minced garlic 1/2 t black pepper 1/4 t salt 1/4 t cumin powder 1/8 t turmeric

Place fish in small bowl. Add garlic, black pepper, salt, cumin, and turmeric. Ensure to coat both sides. Cover & marinate at least 1 hour in refrigerator. Preheat oven to 400. Place the fish in a non-stick baking dish, & cover with the marinade. Bake 10-20 minutes depending on thickness, until fish easily flakes. Squeeze with lemon juice. Serve.

Crockpot Swiss Steak

100g steak 1 T shake 'n bake 1 T liquid aminos 3-4 cloves minced garlic 1 stalk celery - sliced 1 onion - sliced 1 tomato - diced 1/2-1 c beef broth

Preheat pan over MED-HI heat. Sprinkle steak with liquid aminos. Dip steak in shake 'n bake, coating both sides. Add steak to pan and brown on both sides. Transfer steak to crockpot. Cover with garlic, celery, onions, and diced tomato. Top with beef broth. Don't stir! Cover and cook on low until reaches desired doneness. When done, serve immediately, and cover with juices from crockpot.

NOTE: This dish includes 3 vegetables which are meant only for flavor. When finished cooking, you can discard veggies, or choose to eat just one of them (as we aren't allowed to mix veggies on phase 2 per Dr S).

Asparagus Frittata

3 egg whites 1 whole egg Asparagus (allowed amount) 1-2 cloves minced garlic 1 T dehydrated minced onion 1 T water 1 t parsley Salt/pepper (to taste) Tabasco (optional)

Preheat pan over MED heat. Snap woody ends off asparagus and discard. Snap each asparagus spear into 2-3 pieces. Add to pan with garlic & heat through until tender. Preheat oven to 400. In bowl, mix eggs & water. Add asparagus, minced onion, parsley, salt/pepper. Pour egg mixture into non-stick baking dish (or dish lined with parchment paper). Place in oven and cook 10-15 mins until done. Top with tabasco (optional) and serve immediately.

Orange Ginger Chicken

100g chicken - cut into chunks Black pepper orange - cut in 1/4s 2-3 cloves minced garlic 1 T fresh ginger root (about 1/2"-1" long piece, peeled & minced) 1/2 t basil Juice of half lemon

Preheat pan over MED heat. Sprinkle chicken with pepper. Add chicken to pan and stir fry until brown on all sides, about 5-10 mins. Add garlic and cook for 1 min. Squeeze juice of orange quarters over chicken. Peel & separate orange into sections. Add orange sections, ginger, lemon juice, and basil. Stir well. Cover and simmer for about 20-30 mins.

NOTE: This includes your meat and fruit portion for this meal.

Recommended Shopping List for Grocery Store


Shrimp, White Fish (Talapia, Halibut, Orange Ruffy, etc). Turkey, chicken breast. Lean Ground Beef, Steak or Roast


Asparagus Cucumbers Onions Celery Beet Greens Lettuce Green Onions Spinach or Swiss Chard Tomatoes Radishes


Lemons Strawberries Apples Oranges Grapefruits


Mrs Dash Bragg Liquid Amino (Like Soy Sauce) Garlic Cloves Stevia- Both powder as well as liquid and flavors Kosher Salt or Sea Salt Other spices (be careful of ingredients, no sugars)

Other Items

Herbal Tea Green Tea Coffee Water container with ounces for tracking Apple Cider Vinegar No Fat Cottage Cheese Eggs Fresh Salsa (no sugars or preservatives) Melba Toast, Grissini Bread or Wasa Bread Multi-Vitamin (make sure that there are no oils). Miracle Noodles can be found online.

There is a great deal more detail and specifics in the manuscript itself, which you'll get a free copy of when you order the 21 or 40 day kit. It is suggested that this summary be used as a quick reference only. As with any diet program, if you experience complications or if you have any health risks or concerns, consult your Doctor immediately before beginning this or any other diet program.

HCG Weight Loss Diet Meal Plan
Vitamin Liquid

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce 201

Dec 22, 2011 00:07:14

Christmas NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Deals
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NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce <<

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Feature

  • Structural Support
  • Helps Maintain Strong Bones*

Christmas Sales NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce Overview

Each drop contains 100 IU of Vitamin D: 4 drops provide 400 IU, 20 drops provide 2,000 IU.  A full dropper provides approximately 50 drops, or 5,000 IU.

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This Christmas NOW Foods Liquid Vitamin D-3 5000Iu/Dropper, 2 ounce is cheap and shipping as well.

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Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry

Christmas Sales Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry 201

Dec 21, 2011 01:45:58

Christmas Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry Deals
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Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry <<

Christmas Sales Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry Feature

  • 100% fresh & natural wellness in every ounce
  • Everything you need in just one ounce daily
  • Terrific taste!

Christmas Sales Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry Overview

Balanced Essentials is the most innovative and complete nutritional supplement derived entirely from natural sources.

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This Christmas Balanced Essentials Liquid Nutritional Supplement, 32 Ounces - Very Berry ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Panasonic Blu Ray Surround Sound

Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid

Christmas Sales Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid 201

Dec 20, 2011 02:14:21

Christmas Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid Deals
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Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid <<

Christmas Sales Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid Feature

  • Disclaimer: This website is for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site. These statements made in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat

Christmas Sales Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid Overview

Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor 1 Fl. Oz. (29.6 ml) Recently, the American Academy of Pediatrics doubled its recommendation for the amount of Vitamin D that all children should receive to 400 I.U. per day. These recommendations have resulted from new studies recognizing the many benefits of Vitamin D for supporting healthy bones and a healthy immune system.* Health Tip For healthy bone development and to support a healthy immune system, use ChildLife Vitamin D3 per the recommended dosages. Suggested Use For infants 6 mo. To 12 mo.: 5 drops daily For children 1-12 years: 8 drops daily Can be mixed with juice or your child's favorite drink Shake well before use Store in a cool dry place Other ingredients Vegetable Glycerin, Deionized Water, Natural Mixed Berry Flavor ChildLife uses only the highest quality ingredients. Contains no dairy, soy, eggs, yeast, wheat, corn or alcohol. No artificial colorings. No artificial sweeteners. Gluten and Casein free. *This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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This Christmas Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping.

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Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid

Limited Offer Today!! Vitamin D3 Mixed Berry Flavor - 1 oz - Liquid Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

5.1 Home Audio

How To Treat Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

There are many people who are consuming vitamin B12 supplements do not know that vitamin B12 and folate are B complex vitamins that are necessary for normal red blood cell. Vitamin B12 is rarely found in vegetables, which is why vegetarians and especially vegans who don't eat dairy products or meat, are especially at risk. This vitamin b12 along with folic acid are necessary to keep homocysteine in the blood down to healthy levels. Therefore any deficiency will lead to some health complications.

Vitamin Liquid

What are the deficiency symptoms?

Vitamin Liquid

Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms are manifest not because people are taking less vitamin B12 than recommended. Deficiency of vitamin B12 affects every cell in the body, but is most severely felt in the tissues where the cells normally divide rapidly, as in the blood-forming -tissues of the bone marrow and in the gastro-intestinal tract. The deficiency can also lead to neurological changes such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet. It also include mood disorders, anxiety, insomnia, restlessness, night terror etc. It can also include fatigue, weakness, nausea, constipation, flatulence (gas), loss of appetite and weight. Vitamin B12 deficiency symptoms, like those of many other treatable health conditions, can be virtually identical to age dementia symptoms, senile dementia symptoms and Alzheimers symptoms.

Symptoms of B12 deficiency include insufficient equilibrium, forgetfulness, and cognitive decline and, according to a study conducted by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS), may be linked to osteoporosis. Symptoms of severe vitamin B12 deficiency (regardless of the cause) may include burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, intermittent constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, menstrual symptoms, psychological symptoms, and nervous system problems, such as numbness and tingling in the feet and hands. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency, including sensory neuropathy, myelopathy, and encephalopathy, can occur within days or weeks of exposure to nitrous oxide anesthesia in people with sub-clinical vitamin B12 deficiency.

Anemia is the first sign that the body is not getting an adequate supply of Vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia is the name given more than a century ago to describe the then-fatal vitamin B12 deficiency anemia that results from severe gastric atrophy, a condition that prevents gastric cells from secreting intrinsic factor.

How to treat vitamin B12 deficiency?

Folic acid can correct the anemia that is caused by a B-12 deficit. Folic acid, pyridoxine (vitamin B6), and vitamin B12 supplementation can reduce total homocysteine levels, however, this reduction does not seem to help with secondary prevention of death or cardiovascular events such as stroke or myocardial infarction in people with prior stroke. Folic acid intake from food and supplements should not exceed 1,000 μg daily in healthy individuals because large amounts of folic acid can trigger the damaging effects of vitamin B12 deficiency. Pernicious anemia usually develops over the age of 50. It is usually caused by an inability to absorb vitamin B12 (cobalamin) that is naturally found in certain foods.

Can Diet Help The Deficiency?

Dietary changes that may be helpful, vitamin B12 is found in significant amounts only in animal protein foods - meat and poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Foods high in vitamin b12 can only be obtained from animal sources, so vegetarians and vegans should ensure B12 is included in their daily vitamin supplements.


Deficiency of vitamin B12 is rarely a result of the vitamin's. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can affect both men and women in equal numbers. Deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in fatigue and apathy, back pain, weight loss, bone loss, problems with balance andreflexes, abnormal gait, tingling fingers, tinnitus, eye disorders, hallucinations and migraine headaches.

Therefore, Eddy Kong has started a useful vitamin supplement information guide that help you to choose the vitamin you are looking for or simply providing the right information to vitamin supplements.

How To Treat Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms
Vitamin Liquid

Projector Systems

Lose 15 Pounds in a Week - Your Ultimate Guide

If you want to lose 15 pounds in a week, it is a good idea to go into a whole week of juice fasting. There are a lot of people who go through different kinds of exercises, diets and even surgical procedures just to lose weight. This is because of the fact that being overweight can cause numerous health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes.

Vitamin Liquid

There are low-calorie diets that can help you lose 15 pounds in a week but these diets may mean that you have to starve yourself. As much as possible, avoid low-calorie diet because it can be dangerous to your health.

Vitamin Liquid

If you want to lose weight safely and effectively, it is recommended to go on a juice diet, which can help detoxify your system and invigorate your organs. Juice fasting can also fuel metabolism and burn more calories that can help you lose 15 pounds in a week. However, remember that it is important to consult your doctor before going through this kind of diet. It is advisable to do juice fasting for two successive days and must carry on after five days to achieve the best results.

Eating only vegetables and fruits is one of the most effective ways to lose weight easily. This kind of diet also helps detoxify your body. Make sure to consume nothing but vegetables, fruits, and spring water and fruit juices during your diet. Having a liquid diet is essential in order to lose 15 pounds in a week.

During your juice fasting, you can also consume vegetable salads and fruit salads because these are high in vitamins and minerals. You must eat more apples, acai berry and grapes everyday in order to generate your body's metabolism and fuel fat burning.

Lose 15 Pounds in a Week - Your Ultimate Guide
Vitamin Liquid

Christmas Sales Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) 201

Dec 17, 2011 19:59:50

Christmas Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Deals
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Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3)

>> Click here to update Christmas prices for Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) <<

Christmas Sales Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Feature

  • For healthy immune support and bone strength
  • Liquid for the Whole Family
  • 1000 IU of Vitamin D3
  • 48 servings, 2 teaspoons per day
  • Natural berry flavor

Christmas Sales Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Overview

A great tasting vitamin D in a fast absorbing liquid formulation that's easy for the whole family to enjoy. Vitamin D3 is the preferable form of Vitamin D. It helps to proactively support a healthy immune system by aiding the body's natural defenses and is vital to bone, teeth, breast and colon health.*

Christmas Sales Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Specifications

Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid is a natural berry flavored liquid supplement that helps to proactively support a healthy immune system and bone strength. This great-tasting, fast-absorbing formula is easy for the whole family to take. For adults, just two teaspoons provide 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 (the equivalent of 40 eggs or 7.3 pounds of liver) and one teaspoon for children ages four to 12 provides 500 IU. Vitamin D3 Liquid, now with a convenient dosage cup, is a great way to enjoy the benefits of Vitamin D without swallowing pills or tablets.*

callout top with logo
Vitamin D3 Liquid
At a Glance:
  • Fast absorbing liquid formula provides 1000 IU of vitamin D3
  • Supports a healthy immune system*
  • Helps to promote bone, teeth, breast and colon health*
  • Good for ages 4 and up
  • Natural berry flavor with a convenient dosage cup
callout bottom
Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid, 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor
Helps to proactively support a healthy immune system and bone strength. View larger.
Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid, 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor

View larger.
Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid, 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor
Great-tasting, fast-absorbing formula ideal for the whole family. View larger.
Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid, 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor
1000 IU of vitamin D3 per serving. View larger.
About Vitamin D3 Deficiency
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently doubled the recommended dosage of vitamin D for infants, children, and teens. Yet recent scientific studies report that as much as 50 percent of the U.S. population is unknowingly deficient in vitamin D. Most people don't regularly eat enough vitamin D rich foods or drink enough milk to satisfy the recommended daily allowance (RDA) requirements.*

The body makes vitamin D3, the preferred form of vitamin D because of its high level of biologic activity, from sun exposure. But those who spend a great deal of time indoors, live in northern climates, or wear sunscreen may not obtain enough vitamin D from sun exposure alone.*

Supports Healthy Immune System, Bones and Teeth
Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid is like liquid sunshine in a bottle and provides an array of health benefits. For example, it supports a healthy immune system by aiding the body's natural defenses and helps maintain healthy bones and teeth. It may also promote breast and colon health.*

Fast-Absorbing Liquid Provides 1000 IU of Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 Liquid has a pleasant berry flavor that makes it easy for you and your family to get the recommended amount of vitamin D each and every day. Just two teaspoons supplies 1000 IU of vitamin D3, the preferred form of vitamin D. Research also has shown that nutrients from liquid sources can be more easily absorbed than from pills or tablets.

What's in the Box
Three 16-ounce bottles of Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid, 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor (48 servings per bottle).


Joint Movement Glucosamine Liquid
Joint Movement Glucosamine Liquid
Calcium & Vitamin D3 Liquid
Calcium & Vitamin D3 Liquid
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Vitamin D3
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Digestive 3-in-1 Health Liquid
Multi Vitamin+ Liquid
Multi Vitamin+
For joint healthFor bone healthFor Immune Support & Bone StrengthFor Digestive System SupportFor Daily Health & Wellness

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3)

Limited Offer Today!! Wellesse Vitamin D3 Liquid 1000 IU, Natural Berry Flavor, 16 ounce Bottle (Pack of 3) Christmas and Cyber Monday 2011 Deals

Life Vitamins